
Showing posts from January, 2025
  The Benefits of Email Counselling: A modern Approach to Therapy When I heard about email counselling it instantly grabbed my attention. As an introvert myself, I could see how this could help a lot of people who might struggle with traditional face to face counselling. One of my values is to make counselling as accessible to as many people as possible. Having since started work in this area, I wanted to share with you some of the benefits of email therapy as opposed to traditional face to face.  1.     Convenience and Flexibility Email counselling allows clients to chose their own schedule for their sessions. It eliminates the need to travel to a certain place at a specific time which means they are not needing to disrupt their usual routine. You may be a busy parent, a carer that has many duties to attend to throughout the day, or busy working at your job - perhaps working shift patterns, email counselling enables you to access therapeutic support at a time that s...
Reflecting on Anxiety and phone usage  How strange is it that we as a species, are so intelligent, yet the more we improve things in our world, we move further away from who we are. As human beings, we are animals, yet we are slowly being made into robots. At one time, we could notice what our bodies needed by trusting our instincts. The feelings we noticed would give us signals that we need the toilet, we are hungry, full or tired. We could then make sure we acted accordingly. Nowadays we h ave so many apps for all these things that if we are not on our phones, we may become anxious because we feel we need to be doing something and so we turn to our phones for answers. Being neurodivergent, like myself, can also make this tricky because a lot of these apps are helpful for us. They help us to prioritise things and remember tasks. Whilst I think these are helpful in some ways, I feel they could cause an even bigger issue in the long run because we are needing to rely on our phones m...