
Showing posts from October, 2024

Why do I feel the way I do? (a guide to attachment)

  Why am I feeling the way I do?  (a guide to attachment) When we are young, we pick things up from our caregivers. We learn when/if it is safe to ask for something, or if it is safe to show our emotions. What we learn from our caregivers can stay in our bodies for the rest of our lives. We might remain hypervigilant and are always looking out for how others are behaving so that we can adjust our own behaviour to suit. This often shows up such as going our of our way to make sure we don't upset anyone, always saying yes, never speaking up for our own needs - often not even knowing what these needs are.  The stress that we carry in our bodies from being young can feel like; a tight jaw, teeth grinding/clenching, tense shoulders, a tight stomach, shallow breathing, trouble reaching a top breath for air. However, if we start to notice these patterns then we can start to break these habits and begin to create our own pathways that feel safe. Here's an example; We are a child,...