What is Self Awareness? There is a lot of talk these days about self awareness , so what actually is it and why is it so important? Self awareness is all about us noticing what is going on for us whilst it is happening - in that moment. We can then start to understand the things we are experiencing and most importantly, we can then act appropriately. For instance; you may have had anxiety for many years. You know you feel anxious and you can sort of feel it when it hits you, but you may be unaware exactly what it is and try and push it away. You may then start analysing why you are feeling anxious. This then persists in your mind by going over and over things in the past and the future. This makes anxiety worse . We can then start to label ourselves as an anxious person. We may develop a narrative in our heads that we tell ourselves everyday. We start to use this central anxious character to foresee outcomes for our future selves. None of this is self-awareness. ...